Whether it's successfully treating injuries or illness, taking an animal off the street into foster
care or finding a forever home, we're always thrilled when we can change a life for the better.

Betsy was a popular street dog, known for barking and running at trucks, lorries and motor bikes… or you would find her in the local pub chilling under a table.
She was known by most of the village but all who knew her would have their hearts in their mouths every-time she ran at a moving vehicle.
Betsy's new start in life arrived when she met her new family while they were holiday-ing in the village. She spent their holiday with them in their villa where they all fell in love.
Betsy, is now living in a warm home, on the sofa .. and she celebrated Christmas with her new family. We are really happy for Betsy.




Before PAWS's support

After PAWS's support

Before PAWS's support
Goliath was found in the middle of the village starving, looking extremely unwell.
He was friendly and confident around humans until he saw a lead. He was only 2-3 years old. It was clear he had been chained up for a long time due to the dry skin areas on his legs and this explained his fear of leads.
Upon vet inspection he had an enlarged heart, inflammation in his stomach, he had been shot in the past and had a bad case of anemia and parasites.
Goliath was covered in wounds where he had chewed himself due to fleas. It was heartbreaking to see.
Goliath was taken to our dog park where he received medication, lots of care and huge amounts of home cooked food. Once he had gained a healthy amount of weight and had recovered we were able to get Goliath neutered. Sadly 2 home offers fell through however … 3rd time lucky!
He is now on heart medication and lives on a farm, with a farmer who adores him.
Köfte was found as a tiny kitten with an eye injury. His eye was bulging out of it's socket requiring urgent surgery. After the successful removal of his sick eye, the socket healed nicely while he recovered at the cat park until one day, he was found lying on the ground, struggling to breathe.
It turned out he had a heart problem and needed daily medication however it was not possible to provide this level of care at the cat park with so many other cats to care for and volunteers going in only once a day.
Köfte was very lucky and was offered a place at a private sanctuary where the time and care was available to help him recover and live a wonderful life.
Linda Richardson adopted him into her gang and is able to give him the one-2-one care he deserves.






Luna and her sister Lexi were dumped as young pups with no road sense, food source or shelter.
Sadly Luna was hit by a car shortly after being dumped, resulting in a very bad limp. Our volunteers promptly got her to the vets.
Luna had broken her hip and the break resulted in her requiring emergency life saving surgery due to a blockage from the break.
Surgery was touch and go and required a lot of recovery and care. Luna and Lexi were very lucky as locals in the area took responsibility for Luna's aftercare, offering her a safe place to recover with her sister nearby.
Luna and Lexi still remain on that same street but they are now cared for by the locals.
Mausi was one of 20 cats rescued from very poorly conditions that came into PAWS care. They were in a pitiful state, full of illness and many dying.
Only 6 cats survived over the following 2 months despite our best efforts and the best possible care and medication.
Mausi was one of our toughest fighters. Although so very small and weak. Our volunteers worked tirelessly to save this little one’s life.
We never believed this little one would have survived but she is a warrior even though very small in size.
Mausi pulled through with the loving care of a wonderful volunteer who treated her day and night. Shortly after healing, she was adopted. She has grown into a big and happy cat.






Bella arrived in the village in 2017. She spent her days wandering around a local restaurant and the nearby neighbourhood.
Despite showing no signs of illness or injury, Bella suddenly experienced paralysis of her back end. She was not eating or drinking or able to toilet herself. Bella was quickly attached to a drip to keep her hydrated and pain relief. Upon various tests and investigations, the diagnosis is a lesion on her spine. The only option was surgery but it would be complex due to being spinal surgery and no guarantees that it would be a success.
PAWS ran a hugely successful fundraising campaign to raise the necessary funds due to the large expense of the surgery.
Bella spent weeks in recovery receiving physio but she could not return to life on the streets.
A local lady who adored Bella took her in and spent hours daily teaching her to walk again.
Bella can now walk unaided and is living a wonderful, cared for life.
Bobby was dumped on the streets, in pain and struggling to walk due to a previous failed operation to fix a break in his leg.
Having finally had his leg amputated, Bobby was our park's 'tri-paw' dog.
He took the amputation in his stride and continued to be a big, gentle giant however he become very withdrawn and due to his disability, he became vulnerable in the park. His vulnerability resulted in the other dogs attacking him.
After all he had been through, he was then diagnosed with leishmania.
What a terrible start in life for the gentlest of dogs. This is where the magic of PAWS and our wonderful supporters came in!
A supporter fell in love with Bobby the moment she saw him and he how lives a beautiful new life with her in the UK with another 2 tri-pod rescue dogs.
The team regularly receive videos of Bobby running in fields with his doggy friends.

Bobby with his park friend.

Bobby in his new home.

Bobby with his park friend.



Found limping in the middle of the road, Elton had been abandoned, or escaped a dreadful life. He had suffered serious abuse: ears cut off, entire foreskin removed, profoundly deaf, emaciated and hardly able to walk.
Elton's chances were improved when we found him a safe space in a supporter's garden. He attended specialist vets and received intense investigations, x-rays and blood tests.
The team worked tirelessly giving him the appropriate treatment, gently coaxing him to walk every day, applying ointment daily and feeding him a special diet.
Eltons health improved significantly and he was offered a forever home in the UK. His journey is finally complete and he has started his new adventure with his new family in the UK. Thank you to everyone that helped.
Burcu, now named Sassy, was found motherless at a very young age and extremely unwell. The team nursed her back to health but it was identified that sadly she had a neurological condition resulting in her having fits. She was also partially blind. This made her unfit for living on the streets or the cat park as she required one to one care and supervision. She would be too vulnerable at the cat park, unable to protect herself and no one to monitor her during a fit.
Thankfully she was adopted by a very caring and understanding gentleman. Her ability to manage without her sight has improved significantly with his support. Her fits have also reduced significantly. She now receives lead assisted walks outside to ensure she is safe but gets to be in the open air, exploring the world.
Although blind she gets along great with her adopter's other cats and she doesn’t allow her disability to hold her back from fulfilling her life.






Bitten by a wild boar, Milly was found by one of our supporters. In desperate need of surgery to close her wound. Despite having their own dogs, the lovely people that found her took her into their home, changed her dressing every day, cared for her, fed her and took her back to the vets for checkups.
Volunteers like this are so important to us and we're so grateful to them for their diligent care.
Finally signed off by the vet, and free of her 'cone of shame', it was arranged for a kennel to be placed outside the house.
Milly is still monitored by the lovely couple that found her. She has fully recovered and is a much-loved, permanent fixture in the community.
Another success story and one that could not have been achieved without both funds and willing volunteers.
Buddy found himself abandoned in the middle of the village malnourished, extremely under weight and looking very scared of his new surroundings.
After a vet's assessment it was identified that he was extremely under weight weighing only 17kg and was suffering from a bad case of fleas, ticks and worms.
Buddy was taken to the charity dog park where he was allowed the time and space to decompress, he was fed home cooked healthy meals to increase his weight.
He was shown care and kindness to build his confidence in humans. Buddy is now a well-known and loved street dog in the village of Üzümlü.






Found in the middle of winter with his ears cut off and low in confidence. This little boy was too small to survive on the streets.
The PAWS team took him to the dog park but had fears over how he'd cope outside in freezing conditions. He looked miserable and like he'd given up.
Luckily for him, one of our dog park volunteers couldn't bear the thought of leaving him there in the cold and took him home.
She promised her husband it was just temporary until it was warmer and he was bigger.
Yes, you guessed it. Another 'failed foster'. He's now loving life there, along with his playmate, another street dog